Art Of Life Tarot - tutorial

For each person, the artistic images in the cards can be perceived in different ways, so the interpretation of the cards is "open" in different directions. Although there are traditional meanings assigned to each card, this guide will focus on helping you find ways to bring your emotions and opinions into the solution.

Main Department

The Major Arcana involves stages in human life and major events.

0 – The Fool 1 – The Magician
Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 1 Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 2
"Live with the present, plunge into the waves, seek the endless in every moment." "I am the master of my destiny, I am the leader of my soul."
Discovery, improvisation, beginning The will, the ability to perceive, creative energy
2 – HighPriestess 3 – The Empress
Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 3 Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 4
"At the center of life, you will find the answer to who you are and what you want." "Only passion, great passion is enough to help the soul sublimate to do great things."
Premonition, intellect, knowledge Passion, nurturing, abundance
4 – The Emperor  5 – The Hierophant
Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 5 Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 6
"First tell yourself who you are, then do what you need to do." - Epictetus "Laws don't need absolute worship, moral standards do." - Franklin De Roosevelt
  Sign agreements, traditions, laws
6 – The Lovers 7 – The Chariot
Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 7 Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 8
"The heart has arguments that reason cannot understand." - Blaise Pascal “Do not follow the path available. Go in a new direction and leave a rut. ” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Love, beauty, choice Victory, confidence, achievements
8 – Strength 9 – The Hermit
Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 9 Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 10
"I don't know my true strength until I am in adversity." - Francis Bacon "Can't find a quiet and serene place with my own soul." - Marcus Aurelius
Motivation, endurance, resilience Loneliness, reflection, retreat
10 – The Wheel of Fortune 11 – Justice
Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 11 Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 12
“Everything has a season, a certain moment for different purposes: time to cry, time to laugh; sometimes sad, sometimes dancing. ” - Ecclesiastes “Above all, be faithful to yourself. Do it day and night because it can't be wrong with anyone. ” - William Shakespeare
Change, destiny, success Faith, fairness, equality
12 – The Hanged Man 13 – Death
Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 13 Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 14
"When we let go of the self, we can become the person we want" - Lao Tzu "Death is always in my ears," Live. ", He said," I'm coming. "- Virgil
Surrender, sacrifice, new look The end, the change, the loss
14 – Temperance 15 – The Devil
Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 15 Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 16
The difference must be put together, and from that difference will produce a wonderful harmony." - Heraclitus "Nobody should feel ashamed of themselves for making a mistake, but tell yourself ... I am wiser today than I was yesterday." - Jonathan Swift
Balance, harmony, moderation The confusion, the wrong, the submission
16 – The Tower 17 – The Star
Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 17 Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 18
"Something that doesn't ruin me will make me stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche "If you have a guide, you won't be able to fall out of heaven." - Dante Alighieri
Volatility, bad luck, collapse Promises, optimism, trust
18 – The Moon 19 – The Sun
Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 19 Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 20
“Confidently follow the path of your dreams. Live the life you can imagine. ” - Henry David Thoreau "In fact, in each of the smallest, softest, brightest, a squeal, a breath, a flash, a moment - is a small part of making a great happiness." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Dream, illusion, subconscious Joy, innocence, shine
20 – Judgment 21 – The World
 Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 21  Art of Life Tarot - Sách Hướng Dẫn 22
“The universe is made up of transformation. Life is created by each person's point of view. ” - Marcus Aurelius "What Adam has, what Caesar can do, you can have and do ... Therefore, start building your own world." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Rewards, the law of cause and effect, transformation Realize yourself, the fullness, the whole


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